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Stop Pulling Fuses to Flat Tow Your Vehicle

Here are four excellent reasons to stop pulling fuses

. You've spent enough time with your face on the floor mat.

. Adventures in electricity can be, well, electrifying.

. Chiropractors are expensive.

. Engine lubricant is not a fashion accessory.

How about if you never had to spend another

a minute with your face on the floor mat, gazing up into a black void, hunting for a minuscule piece of plastic playing hide and seek?

You don't have to.

FuseMaster eliminates the necessity of having to remove a fuse for towing, then having to reinsert it for driving. After it's installed, you simply flip a switch to accomplish the same task.

There are several FuseMasters which, collectively, fit most vehicles which must have fuses removed for towing.

Find out if your vehicle needs one